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安吉隐将农业发展有限公司,坐落在风景钟情毓秀,人杰地灵的浙江安吉县隐将村,这里曾有齐梁时有“山中宰相”之称的陶弘景、唐代高人陆龟蒙先后隐于此。又如:诗僧皎然、茶圣陆羽曾到此,对隐将细芽作过高度评价,列为贡茶。安吉县,作为全国唯一获得“联合国最佳人居奖”的县域,正是这种得天独厚的环境和独特品种资源孕育了优质的安吉白茶。 我们种茶始于1996年,从父辈开始传承到我们已经有27年的光阴,我们始终坚持核心原产地高品质的安吉白茶,从育苗、种植,施肥,管理到采摘、加工、包装都亲力亲为,我们只注重健康,口感。我们的目标:“做放心好喝的安吉白茶”。
Anji Yinjiang Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. is located in Yinjiang Village, Anji County, Zhejiang Province, China. Many ancient famous persons lived and drinked tea in this village, and belaud “YINJIANGXIYA” tea, such as Tao Hongjing, Lu Yu and Lu Guimeng. So the unique environment breeds excellent Anji White Tea.We have planted Anji White Tea from 1996 year, it is nearly 27 years from my father to me. We insist all my tea must be from origin area: Anji County, who is the unique county winning the “UN Habitat Award” in China. and we do all the jobs ourselves from breeding, planting, fertilization, management and picking, making and packing tea. We ony pay our attention on health and taste. Our target: Make Safe and Tasty Anji White Tea”.
产品简介 Products Introduction
Anji White Tea is a rare variation tea variety, belongs to “low temperature sensitive type” tea, The tea trees birth “ white tea” in short time, nearly one month. In Anji County(county of origin), Spring, low temperature inhibit the chlorophyll compounding. Before “Qingming” (April 4th or 5th), the germinated burgeen is white, Before “Guyu”(April 19th or 20th), the white color of leaves becomes weaker and weaker, After “Guyu” the color of leaves are white and green, and in Summer, the leaves become green again. Is it amazing? So the magical Anji White Tea need to pick and process in the specific albinism period, after brewing, the leaf of tea will be white. This is the unique character of Anji White Tea.
After biochemistry test, The Anji White Tea has very high content of Amino Acid, near 6%, the highest is 9%, about 3-4 times more than other green tea. The Tea Polyphenols content near 10-14%. This rare High Amino Acid and Low Polyphenol is the biochemistry base of Anji White Tea with high fragrance and delicious taste. The high content of tea Amino Acid is very good for our health. It is beneficial of hematogenic immunity cell to secrete interferon, which can improve our resistance. Also it can enhance memory, lower blood pressure, lose weight, protect liver. Zhuang WanFang professor who is Chinese famous specialist evaluate Anji White Tea has “Ornamental and Nutrient and Economic” value, other green tea can’t competitive with it.
Contact information: Sam, 13868287576, email: